ارزیابی عملکرد سیستم آبیاری داربستی و تعیین بهره‌وری مصرف آب یونجه در الگوهای مختلف قرارگیری آبپاش

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه مهندسی آب، دانشکده مهندسی زراعی، دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ساری، ساری، ایران

2 گروه مهندسی آبیاری و آبادانی،دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه تهران، ایران.


کارایی سامانه آبیاری داربستی به‌عنوان سامانه آبیاری بارانی جدید، با سه الگوی قرارگیری آبپاش شامل 8*8 متر (SS-88 )، 10*8 متر (SS-810) و 12*8 متر (SS-812)، در کشت یونجه در استان مرکزی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. شاخص‌های یکنواختی توزیع (DU)، ضریب یکنواختی (CU)، راندمان کاربرد آب در ربع پایین (AELQ) و بهره‌وری مصرف آب (WP) در سال‌های 1398 و 1399 و پس از برداشت‌های سوم (HA-3)، چهارم (HA-4) و پنجم (HA-5) محصول تعیین شد. نتایج نشان داد که میانگین ضریب یکنواختی در الگوی SS-88 در سال اول و دوم به ترتیب 76/84 و 34/86 درصد بوده و بیشترین میزان ضریب یکنواختی را نسبت به دو الگوی دیگر داشته است. یکنواختی توزیع آب در الگوی SS-88، SS-810 و SS-812 در سال اول و دوم به ترتیب برابر با 3/77، 31/79 و 38/75، 66/77 و 11/70 و 88/70 درصد بود که به ترتیب بیانگر عملکرد بسیار خوب، بسیار خوب و نسبتاً خوب در هر یک از این الگوها بود. همچنین شاخص AELQ در سال اول و دوم در هر سه الگو در سطح یک درصد تفاوت معنادار داشته است. بررسی آماری نیز بیانگر اختلاف معنادار در سطح یک درصد بین الگوی SS-812 با دو الگوی دیگر بود. بهره‌وری مصرف آب یونجه در الگوی SS-88، SS-810 و SS-812 در سال اول و دوم به ترتیب 84/1، 87/1 و 28/2، 43/2 و 3/2، 4/2 کیلوگرم بر مترمکعب بود. بطورکلی الگوی SS-810 با توجه به شاخص‌های مورد بررسی الگوی مناسب‌تری می‌باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Evaluation and Determination of Water Productivity of Alfalfa in the Darbasti Irrigation System with Different Sprinkler Placement Patterns

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mohammad Mahdi Doust Mohammadi 1
  • Mohammad Ali Gholami Sefidkouhi 1
  • Abdolmajid Liaghat 2
  • Reza Norooz Valashedi 1
1 Water Engineering Department, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Sari, Iran.
2 Irrigation and Water Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Tehran University, Iran
چکیده [English]

The Water Productivity (WP) of the Darbasti Irrigation System (DIS) was evaluated in Alfalfa cultivation in the Markazi Province. The evaluation included three patterns of sprinkler placement: 8x8 meter (SS-88), 8x10 meter (SS-810), and 8x12 meter (SS-812). The Distribution Uniformity (DU), Coefficient of Uniformity (CU), Application Efficiency of Low Quarter (AELQ), and WP were determined in the years 2018 and 2019, after the third (HA-3), fourth (HA-4), and fifth (HA-5) yield harvests. The results showed that the average CU in the SS-88 pattern was 84.76% in the first year and 86.34% in the second year. This pattern had the highest CU compared to the other two patterns. The DU in SS-88, SS-810, and SS-812 patterns in the first and second year was 77.3%, 79.31%, and 75.38%, 77.66%, and 70.11%, 70.88%, respectively. These results indicate very good, good, and relatively good performance in each of the patterns, respectively. Moreover, there was a significant difference at the one percent level in the AELQ between the first and second year for all three patterns. The results showed a significant difference at the level of one percent between the SS-812 model and the other two models. The WP of alfalfa was 1.84 kg/m3, 1.87 kg/m3, and 2.28 kg/m3 for SS-88, SS-810, and SS-812 patterns, respectively, in the first year. In the second year, this index was 2.43 kg/m3, 2.3 kg/m3, and 2.4 kg/m3 for the same patterns, respectively. Generally, the SS-810 pattern of sprinkler placement is a suitable choice based on performance indicators.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • DU
  • CU
  • AELQ
  • WP

Evaluation and Determination of Water Productivity of Alfalfa in the Darbasti Irrigation System with Different Sprinkler Placement Patterns



The escalating global population has created an unprecedented demand for food and agricultural products. Alfalfa stands as one of these crucial agricultural products, with its demand intensifying alongside population growth. Countries like Iran, with dry and semi-arid climate, are facing severe water shortages. Therefore, Water Productivity (WP) should be improved as much as possible. Over recent decades, various irrigation systems have evolved to optimize water distribution in fields while minimizing losses. Among these methods, various sprinkler irrigation systems have been employed for densely planted crops like Alfalfa.


Selecting the suitable irrigation method is one way to improve WP. Hence, the WP of the Darbasti Irrigation System (DIS), a new sprinkler irrigation system, was evaluated and compared in Alfalfa cultivation in the Markazi Province.

Research method:

This system was implemented in an area of 0.7 ha and consists of a set of columns, lateral irrigation pipes made of low-density polyethylene, cable, MP Rotator Hunter sprinkler and a number of related connections, which is activated and irrigates using hydraulic water pressure. The height of the columns from the ground level was 5 m and their distance from each other in the width of the land was considered 50 meters. The evaluation included three patterns of sprinkler placement: 8x8 meter (SS-88), 8x10 meter (SS-810), and 8x12 meter (SS-812). In this study, the Distribution Uniformity (DU), Coefficient of Uniformity (CU), Application Efficiency of Low Quarter (AELQ), and WP were determined in the years 2018 and 2019, after the third (HA-3), fourth (HA-4), and fifth (HA-5) yield harvests.


The results showed that the average CU in the SS-88 pattern was 84.76% in the first year and 86.34% in the second year. This pattern had the highest CU compared to the other two patterns. The water DU in SS-88, SS-810, and SS-812 patterns in the first and second year was 77.3%, 79.31%, and 75.38%, 77.66%, and 70.11%, 70.88%, respectively. These results indicate very good, good, and relatively good performance in each of the patterns, respectively. Moreover, the results showed that there was a significant difference at the one percent level in the AELQ between the first and second year for all three patterns. According to the results, the WP of alfalfa was 1.84 kg/m3, 1.87 kg/m3, and 2.28 kg/m3 for SS-88, SS-810, and SS-812 patterns, respectively, in the first year. In the second year, this index was 2.43 kg/m3, 2.3 kg/m3, and 2.4 kg/m3 for the same patterns, respectively. Investigations showed that the SS-810 pattern of sprinkler placement is a suitable choice based on performance indicators such as WP.


To conclude, it can be stated that the indicators cannot solely demonstrate the absolute superiority of the patterns. It is suggested that future studies compare these patterns with each other in terms of energy consumption, implementation and operating costs, suitability for fields with irregular shapes and slopes, and more. Additionally, it is recommended to evaluate the DIS under various climatic conditions, soil textures, structures, and with different sprinkler placement patterns.

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