Importance– performance analysis (IPA) of emitter's role in efficiency of drip irrigation systems from the users’ point of view

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Yazd, Iran.

2 Department of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Yazd

3 Department of Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Yazd, Iran

4 Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, National Salinity Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Yazd, Iran


Performance-importance analysis examines the gap between the importance (ideal status) of the emitter's role on the efficiency of drip irrigation systems and the performance (status) of the factors affecting it. For this purpose, the stakeholder's perspective was investigated by means of a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was checked using Content Validity Index (CVI) and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha in the two dimensions with the values of 0.83 (importance) and 0.86 (performance), respectively. The weighting method based on Shannon entropy was used to determine the importance of items, and in the case of performance, the significant effect of each items (current status) on the efficiency of systems was surveyed statistically. Moreover, the difference between the importance and performance of each item is also was performed through t- test. According to the results, the most statistically significant difference between the mean of importance and performance of items was observed in items 4, 6, and 12, with negative values of 3.27, 3.19, and 2.85, respectively. This result indicates that there is a significant gap between the desirable stakeholder's perspective (importance) and current status (performance) of these items. Emitters clogging (item 12) was the most important factor in the efficiency of the drip irrigation system. Furthermore, training, advice and guidance of stakeholder before and after the implementation of drip irrigation systems (items 6 and 7) are important and affect the efficiency of the systems, whereas, there was no such thing in practice. Therefore, they need focus and attention.


Main Subjects

Importance– performance analysis (IPA) of emitter's role in efficiency of drip irrigation systems from the users’ point of view




In recent years, the Iran’s government has made large investments and extensive credits in order to expand water-based technologies such as pressurized irrigation systems for the optimal use of water resources. The emitters as the most important component of a drip irrigation system plays an important role in the successful operation of these systems. Although the role of emitters in the efficiency of drip irrigation systems is undeniable, but this issue and the performance of the factors that affect it have not yet been considered from the point of view of the stakeholders.

Materials and Methods

For investigating the role of emitters in efficiency of drip irrigation systems, the stakeholder's perspective was investigated by means of a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaires was checked using Content Validity Index (CVI) and their reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha in the two dimensions with the values of 0.83 (importance) and 0.86 (performance), respectively. The weighting method based on Shannon entropy was used to determine the importance of items, and in the case of performance, the significant effect of each items (current status) on the efficiency of systems was surveyed statistically. Moreover, the difference between the importance and performance of each item is also was performed through t test.

Results and Discussion

According to the results, the most statistically significant difference between the final values of importance and performance of items was observed in items 4, 6, and 12, with values of 3.27, 3.19, and 2.85, respectively. This result indicates that there is a significant gap between the desirable stakeholder's perspective (importance) and current status (performance) of these items. Emitters clogging (item 12) was the most important factor in the efficiency of the drip irrigation system. Furthermore, training, advice and guidance of stakeholder before and after the implementation of drip irrigation systems (items 6 and 7) are important and affect the efficiency of the systems, whereas, there was no such thing in practice. Therefore, they need focus and attention.


Performance-importance analysis (IPA) is a useful tool to analyze and evaluate the knowledge gap between the knowledge of the drip irrigation system’s users and its optimal conditions from their point of view. The low priority of some components such as “the importance of the role of the design book and irrigation planning” in the point of view of the users and the lack of attention to them in practice indicates that there is the knowledge gap between the opinion of the users and agriculture experts. In general, the IPA showed that some cases are very important and is taken into account in practice and therefore, led to increase the efficiency of the drip irrigation systems. On the other hand, there are some cases with high importance which the knowledge among the users is insufficient about them and this knowledge gap must be considered.

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