Effects of Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid on morological traits and photosynthetic pigments of chicory in aeroponic system

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran.

2 Department of Plant Genetics and Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat modares University, Tehran, Iran


To evaluate the effect of foliar application of Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid on morological traits and photosynthetic pigments of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), an experiment was conducted based on randomized complete design in aeroponic system and in the independent experiments. The treatments in the effects of Farmax nano fertilizer were including control, 3 and 5 ml/l Farmax nano fertilizer and in the effects of Amino Acid were including control, Amino Acid (3 and 6 mg/l). Foliar application of fertilizers was done at 20, 40 and 60 days after transplanting in aeroponic. After 6 month morphological traits and photosynthetic pigments were measured. Based on the results of the variance analysis, the effect of different Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid on morological traits and photosynthetic pigments were significant. The results in the effect of showed that 5 ml/l of Farmax nano fertilizer has produced the highest of plant height, root length, leaf number, fresh weight of shoot, dry weight of shoot, fresh weight of root, dry weight of root, leaf area, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid. Also the results showed that mrological traits and photosynthetic pigments were increased by the foliar application of amino acids compared to the control. Overall, the results showed that feeding chicory with the Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid could improve the morphological traits and photosynthetic pigments in the plant.


Main Subjects

Effects of Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid on morological traits and photosynthetic pigments of chicory in aeroponic system


Background and purpose

Chicory is a perennial plant that has been used frequently among people of different countries. Production of medicinal plants in controlled environments (CE) provides opportunities for improving the quality, purity, consistency, bioactivity, and biomass production of the raw material. The aeroponic method is a special hydroponic system in which plant roots are placed in a closed container and nutrient solution is sprayed on them at intervals.  Nutrient solution management is the key to success in the production of these plants in soilless cultures, including aeroponic systems. The use of nanofertilizers leads to increasing the efficiency of nutrient consumption, minimizing the negative effects of excessive fertilizer consumption and reducing the number of fertilizer applications. Because of the advantages of the aeroponic system for investigating the effects of nanofertilizers on plants it was used in this study to evaluation the effects of the Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid on some morphophysiological traits of the Chicory.

Materials and methods

To evaluate the effect of foliar application of Farmax nano fertilizer and Amino Acid on morological traits and photosynthetic pigments of chicory, an experiment was conducted based on randomized complete design in aeroponic system and in the independent experiments. The treatments in the effects of Farmax nano fertilizer were including control, 3 and 5 ml/L Farmax nano fertilizer and in the effects of Amino Acid were including control, Amino Acid (3 and 6 mg/L). Foliar application of fertilizers was done at 20, 40 and 60 days after transplanting in aeroponic. After 6 month plant height, root length, leaf number, fresh weight of shoot, dry weight of shoot, fresh weight of root, dry weight of root, leaf area, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid were measured.


The result in the effect of showed that 5 ml/L of Farmax nano fertilizer has produced the highest of plant height (163.7 cm), root length (131.7 cm), leaf number (61.7), fresh weight of shoot (283.1 g), dry weight of shoot (60.31 g), fresh weight of root (137.7 g), dry weight of root (27.3 g), leaf area (3152.6 mm2), chlorophyll a (2.35 mg/g), chlorophyll b (1.94 mg/g) and carotenoid (1.82 mg/g). Also the highest of plant height (136.8 cm), root length (115.1 cm), leaf number (50.1), fresh weight of shoot (273.3 g), dry weight of shoot (53.7 g), fresh weight of root (141.3 g), dry weight of root (28.6 g), leaf area (2970.3 mm2), chlorophyll a (2.26 mg/g), chlorophyll b (1.86 mg/g), carotenoid (1.77 mg/g) obtained from 6 mg/L of Amino Acid.


The total results showed that 5 ml/L Farmax nano fertilizer and 6 mg/L of Amino Acid was the best of treatment for morphological traits studied and photosynthetic pigments.

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