The effect of foliar application of fish and dairy waste extract on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium concentration and dryland wheat yield

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of fish waste extract and yogurt juice obtained from the dairy industry on the growth of Baran wheat cultivar. The experiment was conducted in the form of a randomized complete block design with three replications under field conditions. Three methods of fish waste extract (including method 1: potassium hydroxide, method 2: nitric acid + sulfuric acid, and method 3: potassium sulfate + sodium bicarbonate) and also 3 types of zinc, manganese, and iron lactate (prepared from yogurt water) were used in the form of foliar application. The results showed that grain yield and dry weight of wheat straw increased by foliar application of fish extracts and lactates. The grain yield of extraction method 1, method 2 and method 3 was 1.3, 7.2 and 13.9%, respectively. Briefly, it was for method 1 > 3 > 2. Also, the results demonstrated that grain yield and dry weight of straw were in the order of manganese lactate > iron lactate > zinc lactate. The experimental treatments also increased the 1000 grain weight, but this difference was not statistically significant. Foliar spray of lactates and fish extract increased N and K concentrations of grain and straw but had no effect on P concentration. In general, spraying of fish extract and lactates has a positive effect on the growth and yield of Baran wheat cultivar.


Main Subjects



The management of waste produced in the fisheries and dairy industries is important for the production of organic fertilizers. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers can have destructive effects on the environment. Accordingly, the effect of fish waste extract and yogurt juice obtained from the dairy industry was investigated on the growth of the Baran wheat cultivar.

Material and Method

The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the field. The experimental treatments included foliar application of fish waste extract as well as manganese lactate (Mn-La), zinc lactate (Zn-La), and iron lactate (Fe-La). To prepare the fish extract, the fish waste was air-dried and then extracted using three methods: method (1) potassium hydroxide, method (2) nitric acid + sulfuric acid, and method (3) potassium sulfate + sodium bicarbonate. To prepare the lactates, dairy waste (yogurt juice) obtained from the production of Greek yogurt was used, which usually contains 5% lactose. After heating and filtering the yogurt water, Mn-La, Zn-La, and Fe-La were prepared by separately adding Mn, Zn, and Fe sulfate to the disinfected yogurt juice solution. After cultivating dryland wheat of the Baran variety, foliar spraying of the experimental treatments was carried out in two stages of wheat plant growth: stalking and clustering, with a concentration of five per thousand.


Investigation of grain yield, 1000-grain weight, dry weight of straw, as well as N, P and K concentration of grain and straw showed that foliar application of fish extract and lactates increased grain yield and dry weight of straw. The grain yield in the fish extracted by method 1, method 2 and method 3 was 1.3%, 7.2% and 13.9%, respectively. Also, the results demonstrated that increasing grain yield and straw dry weight were respectively in Mn-La > Fe-La > Zn-La. The experimental treatments also increased the 1000-grain weight, but the difference was not statistically significant. Fish extracts and lactates foliar spraying did not have a significant effect on grain and straw P, but it was significant on the N concentration of seed and straw. The highest grain N concentration was observed in the treatment of fish extract extracted by method 1 and Mn-La. Extraction by methods of 3, Fe-La and Zn-La had no effect on the amount of seed N. The concentration of straw N increased under the influence of the fish extracts and lactates. The highest increase was related to method 2, and among the lactates, the influence of Mn-La > Zn-La > Fe-La. The effect of experimental treatments on grain K concentration was not significant. On the other hand, fish extracted by methods 1 and 2 increased the concentration of potassium in straw, and the effect of method 1 was >3. Method 2 had no effect on K concentration. Among the lactates, Mn-La had no effect on the straw potassium, but Fe-La and Zn-La increased the concentration of straw K, and the effect of Fe-La was greater.


The results of this research showed that the application of fish waste extract and yogurt factory effluent (yogurt juice) as organic fertilizer can improve the growth and performance of Baran wheat variety under dryland conditions. Therefore, in order to protect the environment, it is recommended to use the waste of these industries in the production of organic fertilizers to prevent them from being released into the environment and causing environmental problems.

Author Contributions

Investigation, resources, Sima Bighdeli; project administration, supervision, methodology, Conceptualization, validation, funding acquisition, Mohammad Babaakbari Sari; data curation, funding acquisition, Akbar Hassani; software, writing—review and editing,  writing—original draft preparation,  validation, data curation, Mehdi Tafvizi; All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.”

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable


The authors would like to thank all participants of the present study.

Ethical considerations

The authors avoided data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and misconduct

Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.

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