Document Type : Research Paper
. Corresponding Author, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding Author, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran
Nowadays, the successful countries in agricultural water management have attempted to address the challenges in this sector by “reducing their being in charge” and "transferring the management of agricultural water to stakeholders". In Iran, despite valuable experiences in efficient traditional water management and water users’ associations, significant achievements have not been gained. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to accurately identify the factors influencing the participatory management, its contexts, motivations, impediments, and ultimately to propose some mechanisms for implementing participatory management in agricultural water management. A content analysis method was employed, utilizing library resources (A total of 78 cases from 1971-2024). The results of this research indicate that the main reasons for the lack of successful achievements in participatory water management are mainly embedded in the absence of belief and conviction at the national level and the lack of necessary will among decision-making institutions to institute for participatory water management; the dominance of a technocratic approach in the water sector; the unclear legal status of water user associations and their weakness in technical, financial, economic, legal, and cultural aspects for accountability; the instability of supportive policies in establishing and organizing these associations. To institutionalize participatory irrigation management, it is essential to establish and formalize water user associations, delegate responsibilities and authorities in accordance with the country's seventh development plan, clearly define and provide water services, ensure mutual participation and accountability between the government and stakeholders, and ultimately establish a demand-driven support system based on cost-sharing.
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