Investigating and simulating the effect of climate change, grazing and manure application on organic carbon storage of forest soils at different altitudes with the Century model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agriculture Faculty University of Zanjan Zanjan Iran

2 Soil Science Department, Agriculture Faculty, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 Department of Soil Science, University of Zanjan


Forest soils are recognized as one of the most important carbon sinks on Earth, playing a critical role in climate balance and greenhouse gas mitigation. This study investigated the effects of altitude, climate change, grazing, and manure application on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in forest soils of Talesh County, Iran. The Century model was used to investigate the effects of climate and management factors on soil organic carbon storage. The results showed that SOC stock increased with increasing altitude due to higher precipitation and lower temperature. The Century model estimated SOC stock with high accuracy. The defined scenarios for the Century model showed that climate change with reduced precipitation and increased temperature significantly decreased SOC stock. The negative effect of climate change was more pronounced at higher altitudes. Grazing also reduced SOC stock, especially at higher altitudes. In contrast, manure application increased SOC stock, and its positive effect was more pronounced at higher altitudes. In the climate change scenario with manure application, manure application largely compensated for the negative effect of climate change, but did not completely neutralize it. The results of this study indicate that soil organic carbon simulation models are accurate tools for predicting the effects of climate change, grazing, and manure application. In addition, the conservation of high- altitude forests and optimal forest management are of particular importance to prevent the loss of SOC stock and to combat climate change.


Main Subjects



Forests are vital global carbon sinks, orchestrating climate regulation, biodiversity preservation, and human well-being. They excel at storing atmospheric carbon as soil organic matter, but this critical function faces threats from climate change and anthropogenic activities like grazing and manure application. This research delves into the intricate interplay of these factors and their impact on organic carbon content in the temperate forests of Talesh, Iran, paving the way for sustainable forest management strategies.
Materials and MethodsAcross four distinct altitude classes (500-1000, 1000-1500, 1500-2000, and 2000-2500 meters above sea level), capturing a range of climatic and environmental gradients, soil samples were analyzed for organic carbon content, soil texture, pH, and salinity.

Annual mean precipitation and temperature varied significantly with altitude, with precipitation decreasing (1,247.26 to 2,052.02 millimeters) and temperature falling (26.93 to 15.83 degrees Celsius) as elevation increased. Evapotranspiration followed similar patterns, decreasing from 1,238.38 to 740.76 millimeters across the gradient. To explore the potential impacts of climate change, grazing, and manure application under various scenarios, the renowned Century C Model, a tool for simulating soil organic carbon dynamics, was employed.


While soil texture, pH, and salinity showed no significant variation across altitudes, a remarkable positive correlation emerged between altitude and organic carbon content. Higher altitudes, characterized by increased rainfall and lower temperatures, fostered an environment conducive to greater storage, with the highest levels (97.46 tons per hectare) observed at 2,000-2,500 meters and the lowest (44.23 tons per hectare) found at 500-1,000 meters. The Century C Model demonstrated remarkable accuracy in its predictions, boasting a correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination exceeding 0.98. The model paints a concerning picture under the status quo scenario, predicting a gradual decrease in soil organic carbon storage over time. This reduction, ranging from 2.48 to 9.57 tons per hectare across the altitude classes, can be attributed to factors like soil erosion, nutrient leaching, and reduced forest fertility. The cumulative release of carbon dioxide due to soil organic matter decomposition further contributes to rising CO2 levels, with higher emission rates observed at higher elevations due to their greater carbon input and storage.
Climate change simulations reveal a particularly alarming scenario. A projected decrease in rainfall (2.15 millimeters per 10 years) coupled with a temperature increase (0.4 degrees Celsius) is predicted to cause a substantial decrease (28.36-36.35%) in organic carbon storage across all altitude classes, with higher altitudes exhibiting greater vulnerability.

Grazing's negative impact on organic carbon content was undeniable, increasing linearly with intensity and further amplified at higher altitudes. In contrast, manure application at a rate of 40 tons per hectare every four years demonstrably increased organic carbon levels, again with a more pronounced effect at higher elevations. However, combining the simulated climate change scenario with manure application revealed a nuanced picture. While manure use effectively mitigated some of the negative impacts, it could not entirely counteract them, with organic carbon reductions of 1.49 to 5.42% still observed under these combined conditions. The study identified several factors influencing soil carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions: climate change, grazing, and livestock manure application. Climate change and grazing scenarios both exhibited reduced CO₂ emissions compared to the current state. This likely stems from decreased plant residue production induced by drought (climate change) and excessive grazing pressure.

Combining climate change with livestock manure application also led to lower CO₂ emissions compared to the baseline, but the effect was smaller than observed in both climate change and grazing scenarios. This suggests that, while manure application supplements soil carbon through added organic matter, its potential reduction effect on CO₂ emissions appears limited in these circumstances.

In contrast, the livestock manure application scenario alone generated increased CO₂ emissions. This is directly attributable to the enhanced carbon input into the soil via manure application, ultimately fueling microbial respiration and CO₂ release.


This research emphasizes the critical role of elevation in controlling organic carbon storage within forest soils. Additionally, it reaffirms the remarkable accuracy of the Century C Model in simulating these dynamics. The findings paint a sobering picture of the threats posed by climate change and grazing to carbon storage. However, they also highlight the potential benefits of responsible manure application, albeit with limitations. These insights underscore the importance of preserving diverse forest elevations and implementing sustainable management practices. Minimizing detrimental activities and promoting organic carbon replenishment through responsible manure application and other strategies emerge as crucial steps in combatting climate change and ensuring the long-term health of our vital forest ecosystems.

Authors Contributions

Mehran Misaghi: Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Writing (Original Draft and Editing); Ahmad Golchin: Methodology, Conceptualization, Supervision, Resources; Mohammadsadegh Askari: Editing, Investigation, Resources.

Data Availability

Data available on request from the authors.


The authors would like to thank the University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran for the financial and technical support that made this study possible.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

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