Evaluation of wheat water irrigation management in Iran with the approach of reducing the area under cultivation and improving water productivity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Irrigation and Soil Physics, Soil and Water Research Institute (SWRI), Agriculture Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.

2 Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Agriculture Engineering Research Institute (AERI), Agriculture Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran.


Water consumption and disproportion of the cultivated area and the amount of available water in the agricultural sector, or the disproportion of water supply and demand, have always been the concern of farmers and agricultural managers. Sustainable food security due to the growth and change of people's taste is an additional concern. Therefore, According to the determination of land suitability class and the percentage of the area of each of the S1, S2, S3 and N classes in Iran, was determined and Based on that, the physical (WPPa), economic (WPEa), relative physical (KWPp) and relative economic (KWPe) indicators of water were calculated. Based on the results of evaluating the economic suitability, wheat fields were removed from the lands with S3 and N suitability. Then, using water productivity indicators, the ways to compensate for the decrease in wheat production in lands with S1 and S2 suitability classes were investigated. The results showed that the area under wheat cultivation was 989 thousand hectares, wheat production was 1184 thousand tons, applied irrigation water was 5.138 billion cubic meters, and the indices of WPPa, WPEa, KWPp and KWPe are increased by 41, 47, 12 and 39% respectively. Also, if the irrigation water use efficiency is increased 16% or the amount of irrigation water is decreased between 73 and 80mm in the lands with S1 and S2 suitability classes, or agricultural management, increase the yield by 9 to 14%, the decrease in yield caused by the decrease in the area under wheat cultivation is compensated.


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