Document Type : Research Paper
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar Univ. of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Considering the importance of soils related to feeding the growing population of the world, it is necessary to know as much properties of soils as possible. The main objective of this study was to know how the soils formed and evolved in the Zahmatkeshan area of Kerman Province by examining the physical and chemical characteristics, clay mineralogy, and micromorphological properties of soils. Seven representative pedons (out of 16 described profiles) on different geomorphic positions, including rock pediment (one pedon), alluvial fan (three pedons), piedmont plain (one pedon), and playa (two pedons), were selected. Routine physicochemical analyses, clay mineralogy and micromorphology investigations performed on 37 soil samples. The results showed that soil salinity (0.9- 333 dS m-1) and clay percentage (3-46%) increased from rock pediment and alluvial fan toward the center of playa. Soils of the area were classified as Aridisols and Entisols according to Soil Taxonomy and Gypsisols, Cambisols, Solonchacks, Calcisols, and Regosols using WRB classification system. Smectite, illite, chlorite, palygorskite, and kaolinite clay minerals were investigated. Illite and chlorite were dominant in upper geomorphic surfaces, but smectite was dominant in playa, probably due to the transformation of palygorskite to smectite induced by high humidity of this geomorphic position. Micromorphological observations indicated the presence of gypsum and salt pedofeatures in the forms of coatings, infillings, lenticular crystals, interlocked plates of gypsum, and salt coatings. Results of the study showed that relief was the most important factor affecting soil genesis and evolution in Zahmatkeshan area.
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