Evaluation of humification and seed germination indices and concentration of some elements in the co-composting of manure and forest organic materials under the influence of using wood biochar, leonardite, and coal

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Soil Science Department,,Faculty of Agriculture,,University of Tabriz, Tabriz ,Iran

2 Soil Science Department,, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, ,Iran

3 Soil and Water Department, Research and Education Center of Agricultural and Natural Resources of Kermanshah, Agricultural Research Education and Extension, Kermanshah,Iran Organization(AREEO), Kermanshah, Iran

4 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

5 Soil Science Dept, Faculty of Agriculture,University of Tabriz


In this study, the effect of biochar, leonardite and coal was investigated on humification and germination index, and the concentration of some elements in the co-composting of manure and forest organic materials. The experiment was conducted in a factorial design with two factors, namely treatments at two levels (2 and 4% by weight) mixed with the raw materials and time was the second factor. Sampling was carried out during the composting process in the first to 12 weeks, measuring temperature, EC, C/N ratio, nitrate, and total concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn, humification and germination index in the compost. The results showed that the coal (2%) had the highest temperature, while the leonardite (2%) had the longest thermophilic phase period. The coal (4%) led to a significant increase in EC, and biochar increased nitrate concentration and C/N ratio. The addition of leonardite resulted in a significant increase in humic and fulvic acids concentrations, as well as the highest values of humification and of polymerization index. The additives did not have a significant effect on germination index and the E3/E5 and E4/E6 ratios. The control had higher concentrations of measured elements compared to other treatments. The results of this study suggest that considering the cost of raw materials, coal is a suitable treatment for accelerating the production and improving the quality of compost, and leonardite, due to its high humic substrate, can be used at the end of composting for the enrichment of the produced compost.


Main Subjects

Evaluation of humification and seed germination indices and concentration of some elements in the co-compost of manure and forest organic materials under the influence of using woody biochar, leonardite, and coal




How to accelerate the optimal utilization of livestock manure is a problem that must be solved. Composting isthe primary treatment means of livestock manure. Composting has the characteristics of simple operation and is environmentally friendly, so the technology is widely applied to the comprehensive utilization of livestock manure. However composting has some disadvantages. Some additives are usually used to overcome composting disadvantages (such as greenhouse gas emissions, bad smells, nitrogen loss, and contamination of soil and water resources). Various materials can be incorporated into waste during composting. Some of these added materials serve as bulking agents, primarily affecting the physical structure of the compost (such as aeration). However, have direct or indirect impacts on other composting factors and can be considered additives. Additives enhance the composting process by reducing leaching and gas emissions, improving aeration, accelerating organic matter degradation, and enhancing nutrient content and availability in the final product. The research published so far showed that the effect of woody biochar, along with leonardite and coal, on the quality of co-compost obtained from manure and forest organic matter had not been studied in Iran, and this research was conducted considering the importance of the feasibility of improving the quality of compost.


This study investigated the effect of biochar, leonardite, and coal on humification index, germination index, and the concentration of some elements in the co-compost of manure and forest organic materials during 12 weeks. The biochar was produced at 400° C from the pyrolysis of mixed pruning plum and pomegranate brunches. Leonardite and coal were also prepared from companies active in this field. The experiment was conducted in a factorial design with two factors, namely treatment (biochar, leonardite, and coal) at two levels (2 and 4% by weight) mixed with the initial materials and time as a second factor. Sampling was carried out during the composting process in the first to 12 weeks, measuring temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), C/N ratio, nitrate concentration, total concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn, humification indices, and germination index in the compost.

Results and Discussion

The results showed that the coal (2%) treatment had the highest temperature, while the leonardite (2%) treatment had the longest thermophilic phase duration. The coal (4%) treatment significantly increased EC, and biochar increased nitrate concentration and C/N ratio. The addition of leonardite resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of humic and fulvic acids, as well as the highest values of humification index and degree of polymerization. Contrary to expectations, the additives did not significantly the germination index and the E3/E5 and E4/E6 ratios. Regarding total element concentrations, the control had higher concentrations compared to other treatments.


In general, leonardite treatments had the highest values regarding compost mature indicators. Biochar and coal treatments are similar and can be useful for producing and accelerating composting processes. But the results of this study suggest that, considering the cost of raw materials, coal is a suitable treatment for accelerating the production and improving the quality of compost, and leonardite, due to its high humic substrate, can be used at the end of composting for the enrichment and enhancing the quality of the produced compost.


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