Studying the accumulation of heavy metals in the soil as a result of multi-year application of municipal waste compost using modeling

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Soil and Water Research Institute, Karaj, Iran

2 Department of Soil Reclamation and Sustainable Land, Soil and Water Research Institute; Karaj, Iran

3 Department of Irrigation, Soil and Water Research Institute; Karaj, Iran

4 Department of Soil Reclamation and Sustainable Land, Soil and Water Research Institute; Karaj, Iran.

5 Department of Soil Science; Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran; Karaj, Iran


The entry of heavy metals into the soil through fertilization is one of the most important challenges of agriculture. The present study was conducted to investigate the accumulation of some heavy metals in plots treated with different levels of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) for 4 years at the Soil and Water Research Institute, Karaj, Iran in 2021. The studied treatments were T1: control (application of NPK based on soil testing); T2: 20 tons/ha MSWC every two years + T1; T3: annual application of 20 tons/ha MSWC + nitrogen chemical fertilizer; T4: annual application of 20 tons/ha of MSWC; T5: application of 20 tons/ha MSWC every two years + T1 + application of plant growth biological stimulants. Based on the concentration of the studied metals in the soil, their status was checked using HYDRUS-1D and MACRO models. The estimation results of the models at the depth of 0-45 cm of the soil showed that the most problematic treatment was the T3 treatment. So its application after 50 years will result in the highest accumulation of heavy elements. Therefore, to take advantage of the significant potential of MSWC in increasing the yield and also reducing the risk of heavy metals entering the food chain as a result of using MSWC as fertilizer, it is suggested that after the quality control of the MSWC used, regarding the content of heavy metals, its application is proportional to the plant's nutritional needs and soil characteristics.


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