Determination of the volume of applied water and water productivity indices in cucumber production fields in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Hamedan, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Department, East Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Tabriz, Iran

4 Researcher, Zanjan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Zanjan, Iran .

5 Researcher, Zanjan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Zanjan, Iran

6 Assistant professor, Agricultural Engineering Research Department, South Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Jiroft, Iran.

7 Researcher, Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar Abbass, Iran

8 Research Instructor, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shiraz, Iran

9 Assistant Professor Agricultural Engineering Research Department. Safiabad Agricultural Research and Education and Natural Resources Center,Dezful.

10 11- Asociated Professor, Hamadan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Hamadan, Iran

11 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran.

12 Assistant Professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

13 Assistant professor of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran


The constraints of water resources and the imperative to enhance water efficiency in the production of vegetables and summer crops, on one hand, along with the economic importance of cucumber production in the country, on the other hand, reveal the necessity of investigating management indicators in cucumber production. The present study was conducted on a national scale with the objective of directly determining the applied water and water productivity indices in cucumber production fields across the country during a single crop year (1399-1400) in more than 180 selected farms, including about 70% of the cultivated area of cucumbers in the country. The results of the study revealed a highly significant disparity in various parameters among the selected provinces, including the volume of irrigation water, applied water (the sum of irrigation and effective precipitation), yield, and water productivity indices. The volume of applied water for cucumber cultivation exhibited notable variation, ranging from 4158 m3/ha in Hormozgan province to 8898 m3/ha in Razavi Khorasan province. The weighted average of applied water volume was calculated to be 7043 m3/ha. Similarly, the average yield of cucumbers displayed considerable diversity, ranging from 12750 Kg/ha in Zanjan province to 32956 Kg/ha in Razavi Khorasan province. The weighted average yield stood at 25219 Kg/ha. The calculated water productivity indices for both irrigation water and applied water were 4.27 Kg/m3 and 4.20 Kg/m3, respectively. Notably, the province with the lowest applied water productivity was Zanjan (2.21 Kg/m3), while the highest was observed in Fars province (6.59 Kg/m3). Based on the results, the total water requirement for cultivating cucumbers across an area of 55000 hectares in the country was estimated to be 330 MCM.


Main Subjects

Determination of the Volume of Applied Water and Water Productivity Indices in Cucumber Production Fields in Iran




Cucumber holds a prominent position as one of the most commonly consumed edible vegetables and fruits in Iran. It is cultivated across various regions of the country. According to statistics provided by the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, cucumber is grown extensively in both winter and summer seasons throughout most parts of the nation. Cucumber plants exhibit rapid growth characteristics and thrive in fertile loamy and silty soils and in pH range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, coupled with effective drainage. The crop requires continuous and uniform irrigation to support its development. While the estimated water requirement for cucumber stands at approximately 5000-4000 m3/ha during its growth season, accurate statistics pertaining to the actual water consumption under field conditions are lacking. A review of existing studies highlights the absence of comprehensive research addressing the quantification of cucumber irrigation water volume in the context of user management. Furthermore, the reported cases are neither extensive nor nationally representative. Isolated reports have been conducted in selected regions of the country, with some studies not even focused on measuring irrigation water. Therefore, the present study was designed and executed with the specific objective of measuring irrigation water, as well as the applied water quantities, in cucumber production centers across the country.


The present study was conducted on a national scale with the objective of directly determining the applied water in cucumber production centers across the country during a single crop year (1399-1400). The study encompassed selected regions including the south of Kerman, Hormozgan, Fars, Khuzestan, Zanjan, East Azarbaijan, Lorestan, Hamedan, and Razavi Khorasan provinces. These provinces collectively account for approximately 70% of the total cucumber cultivation area within the nation. To assess the volume of irrigation water and applied water for cucumbers, water quantities delivered to the crops without interfering with the irrigation practices of farmers were measured. This was achieved using either WSC flumes or ultrasonic flow meters. Given the potential variations in the flow of the selected water sources, multiple measurements were taken throughout the cropping season. The number of irrigation cycles and their respective durations for each crop, along with measurements of irrigation water volume across the entire cropping season were documented. Additionally, the SCS method was employed to estimate effective rainfall. To calculate the net irrigation water requirement of cucumbers in each region, the Penman-Montith method was utilized. This involved employing meteorological data from the station nearest to the selected area for the past 10 years, as well as data from the year of the research. The resulting values were then compared with the data provided in the national documentation.

Results and Discussion

The results of the study revealed a highly significant disparity in various parameters among the selected provinces, including the volume of irrigation water, applied water (the sum of irrigation and effective precipitation), yield, and water productivity indices.The volume of applied water for cucumber cultivation exhibited notable variation, ranging from 4158 m3/ha in Hormozgan province to 8898 m3/ha in Razavi Khorasan province. The weighted average of applied water volume was calculated to be 7043 m3/ha. Similarly, the average yield of cucumbers displayed considerable diversity, ranging from 12750 Kg/ha in Zanjan province to 32956 Kg/ha in Razavi Khorasan province. The weighted average yield stood at 25219 Kg/ha. The calculated water productivity indices for both irrigation water and applied water were 4.27 Kg/m3 and 4.20 Kg/m3, respectively. Notably, the province with the lowest applied water productivity was Zanjan (2.21 Kg/m3), while the highest was observed in Fars province (6.59 Kg/m3). Based on the results, the total water requirement for cultivating cucumbers across an area of 55000 hectares in the country was estimated to be 330 MCM.


According to the obtained results, the weighted average of irrigation water required for cucumber production is approximately 6800 m3/ha. Furthermore, the weighted average of applied water for cucumber production is estimated to be around 7043 m3/ha. Evaluation of field measurements reveals that irrigation in the southern regions of Kerman, Hormozgan, and Zanjan provinces surpasses the water requirements of the crop. In contrast, in other provinces including Razavi Khorasan, Khuzestan, Hamedan, Lorestan, and East Azerbaijan, the water used in cucumber fields falls short of the gross water requirement for this crop, indicative of a form of forced under-irrigation. The analysis estimates an annual water consumption of approximately 330 MCM for cucumber production.  Remarkably, the volume of irrigation water in tape irrigation systems has decreased by approximately 35% in comparison to surface irrigation systems. Moreover, the weighted average yield of cucumber across all surveyed regions under both tape and furrow irrigation methods is recorded at 26727 Kg/ha and 23862 Kg/ha, respectively. This observation underscores a 12% increase in yield for cucumber fields employing the tape irrigation method as opposed to those employing furrow irrigation. Additionally, the study reveals a 44% enhancement in irrigation water productivity within tape irrigation systems compared to surface irrigation methods. Therefore, improving the cucumber yield and productivity indices of water in the country requires the use of operational and management measures. The correct and principled application of pressurized irrigation systems and the training of farmers for optimal use of these systems by utilizing the capacity of leading farmers in cucumber production centers in the country can be a way forward. Also, accurate knowledge of the crop's water requirements in the region and the use of new cultivars, resistant to environmental stress and suitable for climatic conditions, can play a significant role in improving the irrigation water productivity.

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