Simultaneous Application Effect of Rice Husk Biochare and Zinc Sulfate Fertilizer on Yield, Yield Components of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Hashemi Cultivar and Some Soil Chemical Properties

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension, Rasht, Iran

2 Ph.D. of Agronomy, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension, Rasht, Iran


Simultaneous application of biochar and chemical fertilizers has been shown to be a new sustainable and environmental friendly technology for the improvement of soil fertility, nutrient use efficiency and rice crop yield. However, simultaneous application of biochar and zinc have been rarely studied. Therefore, the current field study was conducted to investigate the effects of rice husk biochar and Zn-fertilizer applications on rice yield and the most important chemical properties of soils through factorial in randomized complete block design with three replications at farm stations of rice research institute of Iran, Rasht and Tonekabon in 2019. The experimental factors were biochar at three levels (0, 20 and 40 tha-1) and zinc at three levels (0, 10 and 20 kg ha-1). The highest plant height (144/33 cm), filled grain per panicle (81.65), 1000 grain weight (32.37 g) and grain yield (4112 kg ha-1) were recorded at 40 tha-1 biochar treatment. Moreover, the maximum grain yield with average of 4220 kg ha-1 was observed at 20 kg ha-1 Zn sulfate treatment (13% more than the control). The application of 40 tha-1 biochar of rice husks and 20 kg ha-1 Zn significantly increased the available P, K and Zn by about 2 times, 43.15% and 3 times, respectively.


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