Biogeochemical Changes of Copper in the Rhizosphere of Tuber Plants Cultivated in a Cu-Contaminated Calcareous Soil

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher at BOKU University, Austria

2 University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran

3 BOKO University, Austria

4 Rafsanjan University

5 University of Tehran


A pot experiment with three radish cultivars and two turnip cultivars was done in order to investigate the biogeochemical changes of copper in a Cu-contaminated soil. There was no significant difference in shoot Cu concentration and it ranged between 66.4 and 78.4 mg kg-1. The exchangeable and soluble Cu fraction in rhizosphere soil showed a significant increase whereas carbonate and organic bounded Cu had significant decrease. Extracted Cu with NH4NO3 and Ca(NO3)2 in the rhizosphere of cultivars in comparison with bulk soil indicated a significant increment but DTPA extractable Cu enhancement wasn’t significant in radish 24 and 129 cultivars. Although turnip cultivars created a significant raise in pH, however no significant changes were observed in radish rhizosphere pH in comparison with bulk soil. All cultivars significantly boost dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in rhizosphere soil compared to non rhizosphere soil. In spite of increasing of Cu availability in the rhizosphere, Cu uptake in all cultivars was much lower than exchangeable Cu in non rhizosphere soil. There were negative correlation between DOC with Cu concentration and uptake and total Cu concentration and uptake, and correlation with total Cu concentration
(r= -0.59**) and uptake (r= -0.48*) was significant. These results indicated the role of DOC in decreasing of Cu uptake. NH4NO3 and Ca(NO3)2 extractable Cu denoted a positive and significant correlation (r= 0.59**) with total Cu concentration and with total plant Cu uptake (r= 0.54**).


Main Subjects

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