Investigating the effect of Gypsum content and Hydraulic gradient on solubility Gypsum clay soils

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Enginer/ water and waste water co.

2 Technical and Agricultural Engineering Research Institute

3 Islamic Azad University, Tehran branch

4 Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch


Presence of gypsum particles in soil may cause many problems in different application, including agricultural and construction. Solubility causes the gypsum particles on contact with water, gradually dissolved with water flow out of the environment. The structures built on these soils can be damaged due to solution of gypsum particles existing in the soil and collapsing of the bed. In this research the effects of two factors including; gypsum content and hydraulic gradient were studied on solubility of gypsum clay soils. For that, samples of gypsum soils were provided artificially by adding various rates of natural gypsum including 0, 5, 10, 20 and 30 percent by weight of clay soil was prepared. Then each of gypsum soils were leached under five hydraulic gradients levels including; 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10. The results of the tests indicated that the rate of Gypsum in the soil has direct effect on the rate of soluble in a way that by increasing percent of Gypsum the rate of solubility was increased .Also the rate of leaching including the rate of derived Gypsum from soil to primary rate of Gypsum is decreased by increasing the rate of Gypsum. In addition, by increasing hydraulic gradient, the speed and volume of drained water through the soil were increased in a specified time and thereby more gypsum particles washed out through the soil.


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