The combined effect of crusting and surface cracking on the of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Teacher tuition Payam Noor University Qom

2 University of Zanjan


Many soils in arid and semiarid regions have crust and crack that have great effect on soil hydraulic conductivity. For this purpose in this study, to study the changes in the density of seams, formed crust and the impact of this phenomenons on the saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil will be discussed. Experiment was conducted in three soil textures (clay, loam and sandy clay loam) and four continuing (15, 30, 45, 60 minute) rainfall and at 8 reps. Based on results, sandy clay Loam soil was the lowest amount of saturated hydraulic conductivity (21.02 cm/h). Due to this issue was diagnosed higher crust thickness (3.16 mm) and less crack dense (1.92m/m2) in sandy clay loam soil than clay and loam soil. In clay soil, Due to higher linear expansion coefficient of crack density was highest. This issue was cause increased the hydraulic conductivity of this soil than the sample before rainfall.


Main Subjects

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