Determine the effect of groundwater depth and salinity on its contribution to the water requirment and the growth of palm seedlings with the use of mulch

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahind Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

3 Institute of Technical Engineering Researchs


Shallow saline water table and reducing the quality and quantity of freshwater, is important issues of soil and water problems in some of the important the plains of. Therefore groundwater contribution to crop water use may be useful. The objectives of this study were finding the model of groundwater contribution to supply water needs of palm seedling. To obtain this goal, the experiments was performed in three replicated split-split–plot designs inclusive of 3 levels of groundwater salinity (<4, 8 and 12 dS/m), groundwater depth (60 and 90 cm) and two levels of soil surface cover (mulching with cutted leaves of date palm and no mulch). The data were analyzed and investigated using software MSTATC (V.2), Excel 2007 and SPSS.19. Results showed the mulch effect on groundwater contribution is very significant (1%). In fact, in treatments with mulch to preserve moisture in the soil and need less water, underground water contributions were also lower. The effect of groundwater salinity and depth on groundwater contribution is not significant at level 5 %. To estimate the contribution of groundwater with regard to all three of factors, 11 mathematical models were studied. The best regression by using 3 factors was multivariate linear regression with r2=0.6 and significant 0.05. Due to the the interaction of salinity and groundwater at levels above 90 percent, possibility of achieving more accurately model investigated using the new factor that results from the multiplication of these two factors. The cubic model (using new factors), was the best model for the two cases y without mulch and mulch with r2=0.76 and r2=0.94, respectively.


Main Subjects

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