Assessment Aquacrop Model to Predict the Sugarcane Yield and Soil Salinity Profiles under Salinity Stress

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Water Science and Engineering, Shahid Chamran University

2 Professor, Faculty of Water Science and Engineering, Shahid Chamran University


Several models have within the recent years been presented for water, soil and plant relationships one of which is AquaCrop model, and which in this study was employed to predict sugarcane yield as well as soil salinity profiles under salinity stress in southern Khuzestan. In order to attain some of the required number of input factors, the model was calibrated, i.e. the surface of soil covered by individual seedlings, at their 90% emergence, maximum canopy cover as well as harvest index was determined. These coefficients were recorded as 7.2 (cm2), 90% and 40% respectively.  The model was then performed and simulated with the measured values being compared, using statistical indicators. The coefficient of determination between the measured vs simulated yield data was obtained 0.97, the normal Root Mean Square Error 8%, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency 0.83 and the coefficient of residual mass -0.09.  The results indicated that the model is of acceptable performance to estimate sugarcane yield and that the model, in the conditions of the current study, had overestimated the figure. Also, the coefficient of determination of soil salinity was estimated at over 80% and that the model had estimated the level of soil salinity more than that found through measurement. 


Main Subjects

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