Investigation of Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics of Damask Rose in Different Irrigation Regimes through Surface and Subsurface Drip Irrigation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate M.Sc. Student, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Water and Soil, University of Zabol

2 Associate Professor, Department of Water Engineering, Faculty of Water and Soil, University of Zabol

3 Scientific Staff, Technical and Engineering Section, Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Kerman Province


Throughout the present study some vegetative and reproductive characteristics of Rosa damascene fewer than three different irrigation regimes (100, 70 and 40% of potential evapotranspiration) through an application of surface vs subsurface drip irrigation systems were investigated. Some morphological characteristics investigated, included the number of branches per plant, shading diameter, plant height, number of blooms, petals, weight, fresh weight of a single flower, percentage dry matter of a flower as well as its total dry weight. The experiment was performed in the framework of a split plot design based on randomized complete blocks of three replications at the Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources of Kerman (Joopar Research Station) during 2012 and 2013. Results revealed  that the plant height, number of blooms, fresh weight of one flower, petals, weight and percentage dry matter of flower were not significantly different for the two types of irrigation systems but all the plant traits (except percentage of dry matter of flower)  significantly differed under different irrigation management regimes. Due to severe limitations of water resources in the study area, the 70% potential evapotranspiration treatment was recognized as the most appropriate one because of having a 30% decrease in irrigation water use. There were only 5.8%  and 15% decrease observed respectively in the number of blooms and in the shading diameter, the most effective traits on yield (correlation coefficient = 0.99).


Main Subjects

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