A Determination of the Best Model for Calculation of Pan Coefficient in Amol as based on Sensitivity Analysis



Reference evapotranspiration is an important parameter in irrigation systems' design that is evaluated through either direct (Lysimeter) or calculated method (Empirical equations). When there is a lack of lysimeters' data, Penman Monteith FAO method could be employed as a standard method for evaluating the other empirical methods' results. In this research, 13 year evaporation pan data of Amol Station are multiplied by the calculated pan coefficient from such different equations as Cuenca, Allen Pruitt, Snyder, modified Snyder, Orang and FAO and then the results compared with Penman Monteith FAO Methods' results. The sensitivity of models with variations of ±10, ±20, and ±30 percent in such input parameters as wind velocity and relative humidity is then analyzed. Regression and statistical analysis showed Cuenca, Snyder, Allen Pruitt, Orang methods as recommended for estimation of daily ET0 from pan evaporation data. Cuenca, Snyder, Allen Pruitt methods are suitable for 10 day duration period ET0, while Snyder, Cuenca, Allen Pruitt for monthly ET0. The results of sensitivity analysis show that the sensitivity of the methods Orang, Allen Pruitt and modified Snyder in relation with input parameters is less than that of other methods. Statistical and sensitivity analyses show that Allen Pruitt and modified Snyder methods are the suitable ones for an estimation of pan coefficient in Amol and in areas that are of similar climatic condition.
