Effects of Azotobacter chroococcum and Mycorrhizal Fungus along with Different Levels of Phosphorus on Qualitative and Morphological Characteristics of Forage Maize (KSC 704)



The present study was conducted to evaluate the application of Azotobacter chroococcum inoculants and mycorrhizal fungi Glomus intraradices as well as phosphorus on responses of forage maize in a factorial experiment in completely randomized block design with three replications the study was conducted in Research Station Research Center of Agriculture of Arak in 2004. Under the experimental conditions mycorrhizal fungi caused an increased amount of P uptake, as well as root colonization . Azotobacter caused an increased amount of N uptake too. The different levels of phosphorus caused increased P concentration while decreasing the K and Ca concentration in shoot tissues, increased the amount of P uptake and significantly decreased root colonization. The synergic effects of concurrent application of mycorrhiza, fungus, and Azotobacter cause increased N and P uptake while decreasing root colonization. Application of mycorrhiza along with the third level of phosphorus (100 kg/ha) had the highest effect on P and N concentration and also on the amount of N and P uptake.
