Investigating the quantity-intensity (Q/I) parameters of potassium in soil influenced by the addition of minerals and humic acid

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of using bentonite, vermiculite and zeolite saturated by sodium and calcium with and without humic acid on the parameters of potassium quantity-intensity relationship in a loamy soil based on a completely random design. The amendments saturated by calcium and sodium were added separately to 400-g soil samples at the rate of 1% and 2% (w/w). For each treatment containing mineral amendment, two levels of humic acid application (0 and 0.5% w/w) were considered. After the end of a two-month incubation, adsorption isotherm tests were performed using solutions containing concentrations of 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.7, and 3 mM potassium chloride and 10 mM calcium chloride and Q/I parameters were obtained. The highest and lowest values of AReK were related to 1% Ca-Z and 2% Na-B + 0.5% HA treatments, respectively. There was a negative and significant correlation between AReK and PBCK and CEC. The PBCK varied in the range of 59.4-174.1 (cmolc kg-1) (mol L-1)-1.2 and the highest and lowest values were obtained in 2% Na-Z + 0.5% HA and 1% Ca-B treatments, respectively. The highest values of K0, KX, and KL were obtained in 1% Na-Z + 0.5% HA treatment. The free energy of potassium exchange in treatments containing amendments saturated by sodium along with humic acid was greater than other treatments. The highest and lowest values of Gapon selectivity coefficient were obtained in 2% Na-Z + 0.5% HA and 1% Ca-B treatments, respectively. The PBCK decreased in 1% Ca-B, 2% Ca-B, 1% Ca-V, and 1% Ca-Z treatments compared to the control. These treatments have less power than the control in regulating the intensity factor during the discharge of soluble potassium. Therefore, they can be beneficial for the quick supply of potassium to the plant. However, they are weaker than the untreated soil in maintaining and providing potassium in the long term.


Main Subjects



Background and Purpose

Knowledge of soil potassium status is very important in plant nutrition management. The thermodynamic approach commonly used to describe and evaluate the soil potassium supply capacity is the quantity-intensity (Q/I) isotherm. This relationship provides useful information about the soil fertility status, including the potential buffering capacity of potassium (PBCK), plant usable potassium or labile potassium (KL), potassium adsorbed in the surface places of minerals (non-specific) that is easily exchangeable (K0) and potassium adsorbed in the edge and wedge sites of minerals (specific) that is hardly exchangeable (KX). This study was conducted to investigate the effect of using bentonite, vermiculite and zeolite saturated by sodium and calcium with and without humic acid on the parameters of potassium quantity-intensity relationship in a loamy soil based on a completely random design.

Materials and Methods

The soil sample was divided into 50 sub-samples of 400 grams: 48 sub-samples were experimental treatments with two replications, and 2 sub-samples were considered as controls (without adding amendments). The amendments saturated by calcium and sodium were added separately to 400-g soil samples at the rate of 1% and 2% (w/w) (4 and 8 grams, respectively). For each treatment containing mineral amendment, two levels of humic acid application (0 and 0.5% w/w) were considered. The control and treated samples were moistened almost as much as the field capacity and placed in an incubator at a temperature of 25°C for two months. After the incubation, adsorption isotherm tests were performed using solutions containing concentrations of 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.7, and 3 mM potassium chloride and 10 mM calcium chloride and Q/I parameters were obtained.


The highest and lowest values ​​of AReK were related to 1% Ca-Z and 2% Na-B + 0.5% HA treatments, respectively. There was a negative and significant correlation between AReK and PBCK and CEC. The PBCK varied in the range of 59.4-174.1 (cmolc kg-1) (mol L-1)-1.2 and the highest and lowest values ​​ were obtained in the treatments of 2% Na-Z + 0.5% HA and 1% Ca-B, respectively. The parameters K0, KX, and KL were in the range of 0.14-0.26, 0.05-0.14, and 0.22-0.40 cmolc kg-1. The highest values ​​of these parameters were obtained in the treatment of 1% Na-Z + 0.5% HA. The free energy of potassium exchange in treatments containing amendments saturated by sodium along with humic acid was greater than other treatments. The highest and lowest values ​​of Gapon selectivity coefficient were obtained in 2% Na-Z + 0.5% HA and 1% Ca-B treatments, respectively. The PBCK decreased in 1% Ca-B, 2% Ca-B, 1% Ca-V, and 1% Ca-Z treatments compared to the control. These treatments have less power than the control in regulating the intensity factor during the discharge of soluble potassium. Therefore, they can be beneficial for the quick supply of potassium to the plant. However, they are weaker than the untreated soil in maintaining and providing potassium in the long term.


Treatments containing amendments saturated by sodium in companion with humic acid increased the CEC and the potential buffering capacity of potassium. Therefore, these modifiers can be used for the long-term supply of potassium needed by the plant in soils with light texture or depleted of potassium.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, S.J. and F.R.; Methodology, F.R.; Software, S.J. and F.R.; Validation, F.R.; Formal analysis, S.J.; Investigation; S.J. and F.R.; Resources, F.R.; Data curation, S.J. and F.R.; Writing‒original draft preparation, F.R.; Writing‒review editing, F.R.; Visualization, S.J. and F.R.; Supervision, F.R.; Project administration, F.R.; Funding acquisition, F.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Data availability statement

The datasets analyzed during the current study can be available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Ethical considerations

The authors avoided data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and misconduct. This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals.

Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.



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