The impact of altitude on climatic parameters and the characteristics of forest soils

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


In this study, the effect of altitude on climate and soil properties of forest soils in the Talesh region of Gilan province, Iran was investigated. Soil samples were collected from four altitudinal classes (500-1000, 1000-1500, 1500-2000, and 2000-2500 m) and soil properties and nutrient contents were measured. Climate data were also collected from the TerraClimate database. The results showed that with increasing altitude, precipitation increased and temperature decreased. The rate of increase in precipitation was 536.50 mm and the rate of decrease in temperature was 7.40 °C per 1000 m increase in altitude. Evapotranspiration also decreased with decreasing temperature at higher altitudes. Soils at higher altitudes had higher organic matter, total nitrogen, soil aggregate stability, and water holding capacity. However, available nutrients (K, S, P) were lower due to greater leaching and slower decomposition of organic matter at higher altitudes. The decrease in these nutrients was 15.18, 7.89, and 42.14%, respectively. Soil pH, bulk density, and salinity also decreased with increasing altitude. The findings of this study showed that although soils at higher altitudes have higher organic carbon content and water holding capacity, which can improve soil quality and forest ecosystem performance, they have lower available nutrients due to greater leaching. This can lead to nutrient depletion and acidification of these soils. Therefore, proper management of these soils, such as fertilization and liming, is essential to maintain ecosystem health.


Main Subjects

The Impact of Altitude on Climatic Parameters and the Characteristics of Forest Soils



Altitude is one of the important factors affecting forest ecosystems. Altitude affects climatic parameters such as precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration, and these parameters in turn affect the characteristics of forest soils.In this study, the impact of altitude on climatic parameters and characteristics of forest soils in the Talesh region of Gilan province, Iran was investigated. The Talish region has a wide range of altitudes from sea level to 3000 meters and is therefore suitable for studying the impact of altitude on forest ecosystems.

The objectives of this study were to:Investigate the impact of altitude on climatic parameters in the Talesh region of Gilan province, Iran.Investigate the impact of altitude on characteristics of forest soils in the Talish region.

Materials and Methods:

Forest soil sampling was carried out in four different altitude classes (500-1000, 1000-1500, 1500-2000, and 2000-2500 meters). In each altitude class, three composite soil samples representing three replicates were prepared and then analyzed to measure soil characteristics. The characteristics of forest soils at different altitudes were compared in a three-replicate randomized complete block design. Climatic data were also obtained from a global gridded data base with high spatial resolution.The characteristics of forest soils studied were: Organic matter, total nitrogen, soil aggregate stability, water holding capacity, pH, bulk density and salinity.


The results showed that the mean annual precipitation in the study area ranged from 1247.26 to 2052.01 mm and its mean annual temperature ranged from 15.80 to 26.93 degrees Celsius. With increasing altitude, precipitation increased and temperature decreased. The average increase in precipitation was 536.50 mm and the average decrease in temperature was 7.40 degrees Celsius per 1000 meters of elevation gain. The annual evapotranspiration rate also varied in this region from 740.76 to 1238.38 mm and decreased with increasing altitude, following the decrease in temperature.The results also showed that soils located at higher altitudes had higher organic matter, total nitrogen, soil aggregate stability, and water holding capacity. However, the concentration of available nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur were lower due to higher precipitation and leaching and lower temperature and less decomposition of organic matter. These soils also had lower pH, bulk density, and salinity than soils in lower-lying areas.

The findings of this study suggest that altitude has a significant impact on climatic parameters and characteristics of forest soils. Soils located at higher altitudes have higher organic matter, total nitrogen, soil aggregate stability, and water holding capacity. However, the concentration of available nutrients is lower in these soils. These findings have management implications for forest ecosystems. Forests located at higher altitudes are more prone to nutrient depletion and acidification and may require frequent fertilization and liming to maintain their productivity.

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