The application of social network analysis in assessment of the capacity of local communities for the establishment of water resources co-management (Case study: Sarab-e Shah Hossein village, Razin watershed, Kermanshah)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran.

2 Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran

3 Faculty Member, of Water and Waste Water Macro Planning Bureau of Ministry of Energy


Increasing demand on water resources has led to the challenges related to increased water stress and exacerbate conflicts, disputes and lack of collaboration between the various stakeholders there. The social evaluation of local beneficiaries according to the method network analysis to identify the challenges and opportunities that advance planning and sustainable management of water resources is required. The social capital of local beneficiaries using social network analysis approach is examined in Sarab-e Shah Hossein Village of the Razin watershed located in Kermanshah province. The results indicate a high level of social capital based on trust and Participation relations and cohesion and stability of the network is very strong in against of tensions and crises are evaluated. Also the high degree of unity and Solidarity among the people will cause cost and time of implementation of cooperative water resources to be reduced. It can be argued that, based on high levels of trust, collaboration, cohesion and social capital among the people of the village, a successful water resources co-management is expected to be operating. Moreover, successful water resources in the local level is impossible without the social monitoring of stakeholders and this method is effective in achieving successful water resources co-management at the local level.


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