Effects of Municipal Solid Waste Compost and Petroleum Hydrocarbon Decomposing Bacteria on Nutrient uptake by Cordia myxa L. Seedlings in Soil Contaminated with Crude Oil

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate Student, University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran

3 Professor, University of Tehran

4 Exploitation expert, of Maroon Oil and Gas Company


Extraction and refinement processes of fossil fuels have led to contamination of soil resources and consequently causing a considerable part of lands get out of profitable reach. This study aimed at an evaluation of the effect of different levels of organic matter and hydrocarbon decomposing bacteria on nutrient uptake of Cordia myxa seedlings. Treatments included crude oil (0, 3 and 6 w/w) municipal solid waste compost (0, 5 and 10% v/v) and bacteria (with bacteria of psu141 and psu27ps vs no bacterial content). The results indicated that the highest nitrogen concentration in shoot, along with phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron and zinc concentrations in shoot and root were found in samples with compost level of 10%, with the figures of: 3.69%, 0.22%, 0.15%, 1.82%, 1.52% and 94.91, 123.66, 110.15, 1086.01, 32.44, and 79.67 mg/kg, respectively. The concentrations of these elements, in the presence of bacteria, were significantly higher than those in the control. In total, the presence of biological factors caused an increase in the absorption of nutrients and as well the improvement of the nutritional status of the plant when under oil pollution stress conditions.


Main Subjects

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