بررسی اثر خطای بهره‌برداری بر عدم قطعیت عملکرد شبکه‌های آبیاری در روش تحویل توافقی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 گروه مهندسی و مدیریت آب، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران

2 گروه مهندسی و مدیریت آب دانشگاه تربیت مدرس خیابان آل احمد تقاطع شهید چمران


کاربرد روش تحویل توافقی برای افزایش اختیار کشاورزان در مدیریت آبیاری و بهبود بهره‌وری در شبکه‌های آبیاری توصیه شده است. در روش‌ توافقی تنوع و تعدد درخواست‌ها در زمان و مکان، موجب پیچیدگی عملیات بهره­برداری و افزایش احتمال خطا در تنظیم سازه‌ها می‌شود. هدف این پژوهش، بررسی اثرات خطای تنظیم سازه‌ها بر عدم قطعیت شاخص‌های عملکرد کانال‌ها می‌باشد. بدین منظور در یک کانال دو گزینه افزایش و کاهش درخواست در نظر گرفته شد. همچنین چهار سناریو برای خطای تنظیم سازه‌ها، شامل یک آب‌بند، یک آب‌بند و یک آبگیر، دو آب‌بند، دو آب‌بند و یک آبگیر تعریف شد. در سناریوهای مختلف اعداد تصادفی برای تنظیم سازه‌ها با استفاده از روش مونت‌کارلو تولید شد. سامانه کانال، سناریوهای تنظیم سازه‌ها و گزینه‌های تحویل آب با استفاده از مدل هیدرودینامیک ICSS شبیه‌سازی شدند. شاخص‌های خروجی شامل دبی تحویلی، کفایت، راندمان و پایداری تحویل، و خطای تنظیم عمق بررسی شدند. عدم قطعیت شاخص‌ها، برای احتمال خطای تنظیم سازه‌ها از 38، تا 95 درصد محاسبه شد. محدوده عدم قطعیت دبی تحویلی برای سناریوی افزایشی بین 38 تا 95 درصد، و برای سناریوی کاهشی بین 33 تا 85 درصد به‌دست آمد. بنابراین سناریوهای افزایشی دارای عدم قطعیت بیشتری بودند، و دقت تنظیم سازه‌ها در شرایط افزایش جریان اهمیت بیشتری دارد. با افزایش سازه‌هایی که تنظیم آنها با خطا همراه بود، دامنه عدم قطعیت عموم شاخص‌ها افزایش یافته است، که بیشترین آنها در گزینه افزایشی برای پایداری تحویل با 12 درصد، و در گزینه کاهشی برای شاخص عمق با 8 درصد بوده است. در سناریوهای افزایشی، دبی تحویلی با محدوده عدم قطعیت 38 تا 95 درصد حساسترین پارامتر بود. در سناریوهای کاهشی شاخص‌های عمق با محدوده عدم قطعیت 36 تا 82 درصد نسبت به دبی تحویلی حساس‌تر بوده است. بنابراین در سناریوهای افزایشی تنظیم دبی تحویلی، و در سناریوهای کاهشی تنظیم عمق اهمیت بیشتری داشته‌اند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Investigation of the effect of operational errors on the performance uncertainty of irrigation networks in arranged delivery

نویسندگان [English]

  • Ali Khorshidi 1
  • Mohammad Javad Monem 1
  • Mehdi Mazaheri 2
1 Department of Water Engineering and Management, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Associate prof. Depat. of Water Engineering and Management, Tarbiat Modares Unioversity, Ale-Ahmad Ave. Chamran Crossing
چکیده [English]

Arranged delivery is recommended for higher irrigation management flexibility and water productivity in irrigation networks. For arranged delivery, the spatial and temporal variations of numerous requests increase the complexity of the operation and the probability of operational errors. The objective of this research is to consider the operational errors and analyze their impact on output uncertainty. To this end, in a canal, two options of increase and decrease in demand, and four scenarios of structural operational errors are studied. The structural operational error scenarios include one check structure, one check and one intake, two check structures, two checks, and one intake. In each scenario, random numbers for structural adjustment were generated using the Monte Carlo simulation method. The canal system, operational scenarios, and delivery options were simulated using the Irrigation Conveyance System Simulation (ICSS) model. The analyzed outputs are delivery discharge, adequacy, efficiency, stability, and depth control error. The uncertainty of outputs is calculated for the operational error range of 38 to 95 %. The uncertainty band of the flow delivery for the increasing scenario was between 38 to 95%, and 33 to 85% for the decreasing scenario. Therefore, increasing scenarios produce higher uncertainty, and require a more accurate operation. By increasing the number of structures that encounter operational error, the uncertainty of almost all outputs has increased. The highest increment of 12% was seen in the stability index for the increasing scenario and an 8% uncertainty band increase in the depth index for the decreasing scenario. For increasing scenarios, delivery discharge with an uncertainty band of 38 to 95% is the most sensitive parameter. For decreasing scenarios, the depth control parameter with an uncertainty band of 36 to 82% is more sensitive compared to delivery flow. Therefore, for increasing scenarios the delivery discharge, and for decreasing scenarios, the water depth are more important parameters to be controlled.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Arranged delivery
  • Irrigation canals
  • Monte Carlo method
  • Structural Operation
  • Uncertainty

Investigation of the Effect of Operational Errors on the Performance Uncertainty of Irrigation Networks in Arranged Delivery




To improve the water productivity in irrigation canals application of more flexible water delivery is suggested by many researchers. To this end substitution of arranged delivery methods for rotational delivery is recommended. In the arranged delivery system the spatial and temporal variations of numerous requests increase the operation complexity. Such complexity increases the probability of structural adjustment errors and operational uncertainty. This might adversely affect the performance improvement of irrigation canals. Therefore in arranged delivery, the impact of operational errors on the performance uncertainty of irrigation canals should be investigated.


The objective of this research is to consider the operational errors of control structures including check structures and turnouts and analyze their impact on the performance uncertainty of the canal.

Materials and methods:

 In this research, the Monte Carlo simulation method is used to assess the uncertainty. The steps followed in this research are, determining the variables, creating random numbers for structures’ adjustment, defining and simulating the scenarios, and evaluating the results. For this purpose, in one canal of the Aghili irrigation network in the province of Khoozestan in Iran, two increasing and decreasing request scenarios are defined. In each scenario, operational errors of different selected structures are defined. The options include the application of errors on one check structure, a combination of one check structure and one outlet, and multiple structures. Using the Monte Carlo simulation method for different scenarios, random numbers for adjustment of the selected structures were generated for each option and simulated using the ICSS hydrodynamic model. The analyzed outputs are delivery flow rate, delivery adequacy, efficiency, stability, and parameters of water depth control errors. The probability density functions of the outputs are determined and their uncertainty level associated with different levels of structure adjustment errors are calculated. The uncertainty of outputs is calculated for the operational errors of 38 to 95 %.

Results and discussion:

 A summary of the most important results could be stated as follows. Output indicators mostly fit with Beta and Normal probability distribution functions. The obtained uncertainty band of flow delivery for the increasing scenario is 38 to 95%, and for the decreasing scenario is 33 to 85%. The uncertainty range of the outputs for increasing scenarios is more than that for decreasing scenarios. By increasing the number of structures that encounter operational error, the uncertainty of almost all outputs has increased. The highest increment of 12% was seen in the stability index for the increasing scenario and an 8% uncertainty band increase in the depth index for the decreasing scenario. For increasing scenarios, delivery discharge with an uncertainty band of 38 to 95% is the most sensitive parameter. For decreasing scenarios, the depth control parameter with an uncertainty band of 36 to 82% is more sensitive compared to delivery flow.


The results indicated that by increasing the number of structures that operate with error, the uncertainty of all output indicators will be increased. Therefore, for irrigation canals with a higher number of control structures, a more accurate operation should be applied. The uncertainty of the output indicators for increasing scenarios is higher than that of decreasing scenarios, which reflects different hydraulic behaviors and responses to operational errors. So accurate operation for increasing scenarios is more important than the decreasing ones. For increasing scenarios, delivered discharge and delivery adequacy and efficiency are the most sensitive parameters to operational errors. For decreasing scenarios, depth control parameters, are more sensitive compared to delivery discharge. Therefore, for increasing scenarios the delivery discharge, and for decreasing scenarios, the water depth are more important parameters to be controlled.

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